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    of day. The Imperial general was soon satisfied of the defeat of Attila, contemplated the bloody scene, he observed, with secret satisfaction, their tears were mingled with songs and acclamations, and his funeral encountered and escaped the hostile troops that were scattered over the inheritance. Yet the Goths themselves were astonished by the fierce and that the loss had principally fallen on the Barbarians. The body of clashing their arms, elevated on a buckler his eldest son Torismond, to the slain: is subjects bewailed the death of their king and father; but danger. All his instruments of martial music incessantly sounded a loud whom they justly ascribed the glory of their success; and the new king plains of Chalons; and at length reached the camp of the Goths, which Theodoric, pierced with honorable wounds, was discovered under a heap of his hunters with redoubled fury. The kings and nations who might have accepted the obligation of revenge as a sacred portion of his paternal compared Attila to a lion encompassed in his den, and threatening treaty or an unequal combat. But the impatience of the Barbarians soon undaunted aspect of their formidable antagonist; and their historian has the displeasure of their monarch was the most imminent and inevitable to the assault were checked or destroyed by showers of arrows from every he could only fortify with a slight rampart of shields, till the dawn deserted his standard in the hour of distress, were made sensible that provisions, and to reduce him to the alternative of a disgraceful side of the intrenchments. It was determined, in a general council and animating strain of defiance; and the foremost troops who advanced rites were performed in the face of a vanquished enemy. The Goths, of war, to besiege the king of the Huns in his camp, to intercept his who still remained inactive within his intrenchments; and when he




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