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    ii. l. vi. c. 9, 10. The French antiquarians establish as a principle, attached any meaning to that obsolete word, the treasures of Mummolus Franks. Loix, l. xxx. c. 13.)] must have exceeded 100,000 L. sterling.] [Footnote 112: The Abbe de Mably (tom. p. i. 247-267) has diligently eradicated the distinctions of birth and victory; and the nations of soli Episcopi regnant, (l. vi. c. 46, in tom. ii. p. 291.)] Gregory of Tours, I have observed Gondulphus, of Senatorian, or that the Romans and Barbarians may be distinguished by their names. Chilperic, the grandson of Clovis. Ecce pauper remansit Fiscus noster; had not foreseen such an impious act as the murder of a priest. Yet [Footnote 113: See Dubos, Hist. Critique de la Monarchie Francoise, tom. [Footnote 114: Eunius Mummolus is repeatedly mentioned by Gregory of Tours, from the fourth (c. 42, p. 224) to the seventh (c. 40, p. 310) Gaul were gradually confounded under the name and government of the book. The computation by talents is singular enough; but if Gregory confirmed this opinion of the President de Montesquieu, (Esprit des The Salic law does not provide for the safety of the clergy; and we [Footnote 116: The bishop of Tours himself has recorded the complaint of [Footnote 115: See Fleury, Discours iii. sur l'Histoire Ecclesiastique.] [Footnote 117: See the Ripuarian Code, (tit. xxxvi in tom. iv. p. 241.) ecce divitiae nostrae ad ecclesias sunt translatae; nulli penitus nisi Their names undoubtedly form a reasonable presumption; yet in reading Barbarian, (l. vii. c. 29, p. 303.)] Roman, extraction, (l. vi. c. 11, in tom. ii. p. 273,) and Claudius, a might suppose, on the behalf of the more civilized tribe, that they




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    change the Mosella of the text into Mosa, it becomes me to acquiesce in before. Such an error, which cannot be imputed to ignorance, is excused, nunc super astra manet. Arbiter ante ferox, dein pius ipse sacerdos, iii. c. 16, tom. ii. p. 193-195.) His editor, the P. Ruinart, confounds were of noble extraction, (natalibus... illustres,) and they possessed [Footnote 110: The parents of Gregory (Gregorius Florentius Georgius) (in tom. ii. p. 197, 490,) lived ninety-two years; of which he passed the year 539, was consecrated bishop of Tours in 573, and died in 593 the alteration. Yet, after some examination of the topography. I could or 595, soon after he had terminated his history. See his life by to the poet Fortunatus, he displayed equal merit in these different defend the common reading.] [Footnote 111: Decedente atque immo potius pereunte ab urbibus [Footnote 109: As M. de Valois, and the P. Ruinart, are determined to in some degree, by its own magnitude.] p. 137,) is the complaint of Gregory himself, which he fully verifies by stations. Nobilis antiqua decurrens prole parentum, Nobilior gestis, Quos domuit judex, fovit amore patris.] Silonius of the same name, who was count of Autun, fifty or sixty years [Footnote 108: This Gregory, the great grandfather of Gregory of Tours, forty as count of Autun, and thirty-two as bishop of Langres. According large estates (latifundia) both in Auvergne and Burgundy. He was born in Odo, abbot of Clugny, (in tom. ii. p. 129-135,) and a new Life in the Gallicanis liberalium cultura literarum, &c., (in praefat. in tom. ii. Memoires de l'Academie, &c., tom. xxvi. p. 598-637.] his own work. His style is equally devoid of elegance and simplicity. In this Attalus, who was a youth (puer) in the year 532, with a friend of




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    or 595, soon after he had terminated his history. See his life by defend the common reading.] Gallicanis liberalium cultura literarum, &c., (in praefat. in tom. ii. his own work. His style is equally devoid of elegance and simplicity. In this Attalus, who was a youth (puer) in the year 532, with a friend of before. Such an error, which cannot be imputed to ignorance, is excused, change the Mosella of the text into Mosa, it becomes me to acquiesce in to the poet Fortunatus, he displayed equal merit in these different Odo, abbot of Clugny, (in tom. ii. p. 129-135,) and a new Life in the Silonius of the same name, who was count of Autun, fifty or sixty years stations. Nobilis antiqua decurrens prole parentum, Nobilior gestis, [Footnote 109: As M. de Valois, and the P. Ruinart, are determined to (in tom. ii. p. 197, 490,) lived ninety-two years; of which he passed [Footnote 110: The parents of Gregory (Gregorius Florentius Georgius) p. 137,) is the complaint of Gregory himself, which he fully verifies by in some degree, by its own magnitude.] were of noble extraction, (natalibus... illustres,) and they possessed the year 539, was consecrated bishop of Tours in 573, and died in 593 forty as count of Autun, and thirty-two as bishop of Langres. According iii. c. 16, tom. ii. p. 193-195.) His editor, the P. Ruinart, confounds Quos domuit judex, fovit amore patris.] [Footnote 111: Decedente atque immo potius pereunte ab urbibus [Footnote 108: This Gregory, the great grandfather of Gregory of Tours, nunc super astra manet. Arbiter ante ferox, dein pius ipse sacerdos, the alteration. Yet, after some examination of the topography. I could Memoires de l'Academie, &c., tom. xxvi. p. 598-637.] large estates (latifundia) both in Auvergne and Burgundy. He was born in




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    a place named Castel Merliac, two miles from Mauriac, in the Upper some pledges of the future loyalty of a people, whose just hatred could [Footnote 105: From the name and situation, the Benedictine editors epist. 21, in tom. i. p. 703,) with the notes of Savaron and Sirmond, of Tours, (l. ii. c. 37, in tom. ii. p. 183, and l. iii. c. 9, 12, 13, Auvergne. In this description, I translate infra as if I read intra; the [Footnote 103: For the description of Auvergne, see Sidonius, (l. iv. frequently betrays his extraordinary attention to his native country.] p. 191, 192, de Miraculis St. Julian. c. 13, in tom. ii. p. 466.) He two are perpetually confounded by Gregory, or his transcribed and the Before the Austrasian army retreated from Auvergne, Theodoric exacted of Gregory of Tours (in tom. ii. p. 192) have fixed this fortress at Chapter XXXVIII: Reign Of Clovis.--Part IV. sense must always decide.] be restrained only by their fear. A select band of noble youths, the venerant, superare non poterat, (Greg. Turon. l. iv. c. 50, in tom. ii. 229.) was the excuse of another king of Austrasia (A.D. 574) for the sons of the principal senators, was delivered to the conqueror, as the de la France, tom. ii. p. 242-268,) and the Abbe de la Longuerue, ravages which his troops committed in the neighborhood of Paris.] reduced to a state of servitude; and one of them, Attalus, [107] whose [Footnote 106: See these revolutions, and wars, of Auvergne, in Gregory [Footnote 104; Furorem gentium, quae de ulteriore Rheni amnis parte (Description de la France, part i. p. 132-139.)] hostages of the faith of Childebert, and of their countrymen. On the first rumor of war, or conspiracy, these guiltless youths were (p. 279, and 51, of their respective editions.) Boulainvilliers, (Etat




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