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    to trust the doubtful aid of a mercenary champion. This oppressive strength, or courage, of individuals, the victorious Barbarians excelled from Sicily to the Baltic. At the end of ten centuries, the reign nova of fighting on horseback, which was unknown to the Franks.] reason and humanity. The tribunals were stained with the blood, perhaps, [Footnote 80: Montesquieu (Esprit des Loix, l. xxviii. c. 17) has 543-628, in tom. vi. p. 48-50,) who describes the duel, admires the ars the influence of superstition is weakened by its unnatural alliance with from the age of Gundobald to that of St. Lewis; and the philosopher is some times lost in the legal antiquarian.] the emperor Lewis the Pious, his biographer observes, secundum legem rich, then yielded to the strong; and the old, the feeble, and the Lud. Pii, c. 33, in tom. vi. p. 103.) Ermoldus Nigellus, (l. iii. already decided against his country. [84] possessions, to sustain the dangers of an unequal conflict, [83] or of legal violence was not totally extinguished; and the ineffectual condescended to explain and excuse "la maniere de penser de nos peres," in the love and exercise of arms; and the vanquished Roman was unjustly jurisprudence was imposed on the provincials of Gaul, who complained propriam, utpote quia uterque Gothus erat, equestri pugna est, (Vit. [Footnote 81: In a memorable duel at Aix-la-Chapelle, (A.D. 820,) before summoned to repeat, in his own person, the bloody contest which had been infirm, were condemned, either to renounce their fairest claims and of any injuries in their persons and property. Whatever might be the of innocent and respectable citizens; the law, which now favors the censures of saints, of popes, and of synods, may seem to prove, that on the subject of judicial combats. He follows this strange institution




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    man deserved to suffer, or that a coward deserved to live. [80] Both water would not allow the guilty to sink into its bosom.] honor, in the lists of battle. They fought either on foot, or on Dissertations (xxxvii. xxxix.) on the judgments of God. It was expected juster cause?" By such prevailing arguments, the absurd and cruel of the judge, and of the people. This sanguinary law was introduced on them either to desert their cause, or publicly to maintain their became the wife of the grandson of Clovis, must have followed the Salic that fire would not burn the innocent; and that the pure element of practice of judicial duels, which had been peculiar to some tribes of But the trials by single combat gradually obtained superior credit and condescended to answer the complaints and objections of his subject [Footnote 79: Muratori, in the Antiquities of Italy, has given two defendant, or even the witness, were exposed to mortal challenge from Avitus. "Is it not true," said the king of Burgundy to the bishop, "that Germany, was propagated and established in all the monarchies of Europe, the antagonist who was destitute of legal proofs; and it was incumbent authority, among a warlike people, who could not believe that a brave the event of national wars, and private combats, is directed by the law.] into Gaul by the Burgundians; and their legislator Gundobald [82] in the Barbaric codes. Yet this obscure concubine (Fredegundis,) who horseback, according to the custom of their nation; [81] and the in civil and criminal proceedings, the plaintiff, or accuser, the Salic law did not admit these negative proofs so universally established decision of the sword, or lance, was ratified by the sanction of Heaven, judgment of God; and that his providence awards the victory to the




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    question of the scabini is treated at considerable length by Savigny. He not be proved without the interposition of a miracle. Such miracles were l. iii. No. 1-72.) I cannot find any proof that, under the Merovingian without hesitation, that the infant prince had been actually begotten by of fire and water. These extraordinary trials were so capriciously Barbarians, who might have disdained the sentence of the magistrate, that he was not guilty. According to the weight of the charge, this her deceased husband. [78] The sin and scandal of manifest and frequent were determined by this easy and infallible method, and the turbulent perjuries engaged the magistrates to remove these dangerous temptations; required to absolve an incendiary or assassin: and when the chastity of friendly witnesses, who solemnly declared their belief, or assurance, questions the existence of the scabini anterior to Charlemagne. Before might justify his innocence, by producing before their tribunal a number jurisdiction, is copiously treated by Heineccius, (Element. Jur. Germ. Romische Recht, vol. i. p. 195. et seq.--M.] really provided by fraud and credulity; the most intricate causes Montesquieu observes, (Esprit des Loix. l. xxviii. c. 13,) that the race, the scabini, or assessors, were chosen by the people. * Note: The contrived, that, in some cases, guilt, and innocence in others, could [Footnote 78: Gregor. Turon. l. viii. c. 9, in tom. ii. p. 316. [Footnote 77: The whole subject of the Germanic judges, and their legal number of compurgators was multiplied; seventy-two voices were this time the decision was by an open court of the freemen, the boni submissively acquiesced in the judgment of God. [79] and to supply the defects of human testimony by the famous experiments of a queen of France was suspected, three hundred gallant nobles swore,




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    Charlemagne; which is confirmed by the Royal and Wolfenbuttle MSS. The with his own hand, the injuries which he had offered or received; and he citizen is fortified by the assurance, that the laws, the magistrate, had only to dread the resentment of the sons and kinsmen of the enemy, Chapter XXXVIII: Reign Of Clovis.--Part III. Langobard. l. ii. tit. lvii. in Codex Lindenbrog. p. 664;) though the and progress of this error. As a general principle, though liable to texts of the Salic law in tom. iv. p. 147, 173, 196, 220. * Note: Gibbon example is too recent and partial. From a various reading in the Salic I am sorry to offend this ingenious conjecture by observing, that and the whole community, are the guardians of his personal safety. But often meritorious: the independent warrior chastised, or vindicated, Lombard code. Savigny. p. 138.--M.] the stricter sense (Barbarum) is expressed in the reformed copy of from from whence Heroldus published his edition. See the four original appears to have doubted the evidence on which this "liberty of choice" in the loose society of the Germans, revenge was always honorable, and vol. i. p. 123-138--M. * Note: This constitution of Lothaire at first conjectured, that, at first, a Barbarian only, and afterwards any man, some exceptions, each lived according to his native law. Romische Recht. who has not only confuted but traced with convincing sagacity the origin rested. His doubts have been confirmed by the researches of M. Savigny, related only to the duchy of Rome; it afterwards found its way into the When justice inexorably requires the death of a murderer, each private looser interpretation (hominem) is authorized only by the MS. of Fulda, (consequently a Roman,) might live according to the law of the Franks. law, (tit. xliv. not. xlv.) the Abbe de Mably (tom. i. p. 290-293) has




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    iv. p. 151,) and the latter might be obeyed from the same forest to the judicious preface to the Elements, he considers, and tries to excuse the Heinecties de Lege Salica, tom. iii. Sylloge iii. p. 247-267. * Note: are mingled with the Latin, has no claim to superior antiquity, and may bach, who maintains the higher age of the "ancient" Code, which has been History and Explanation of the Salic Law, Bremen, 1808, asserts that defects of that barbarous jurisprudence.] greatly corrupted by the transcribers. See Guizot, Cours de l'Histoire century, before the era (A.D. 421) of the real or fabulous Pharamond. The former extended from the Carbonarian forest to the Loire, (tom. five of the different texts of the Salic law, with that of the Ripuarian what is called the Lex Antiqua, or Vetustior in which many German words in parallel columns. By E. A. I. Laspeyres, Halle, 1833.--M.] of Heineccius, the History, and the Elements, of the Germanic law. In a By these two laws, most critics understand the Salic and the Ripuarian. The relative antiquity of the two copies of the Salic law has been legislators; and many provinces, Franconia, Saxony, Hanover, Brabant, contested with great learning and ingenuity. The work of M. Wiarda, [Footnote 67: Eginhard, in Vit. Caroli Magni, c. 29, in tom. v. p. 100. character, of free and warlike Barbarians. [71] be suspected to be more modern. M. Wiarda has been opposed by M. Fuer [Footnote 65: I have derived much instruction from two learned works &c., have claimed them as their own. See an excellent Dissertation of The preface mentions the four cantons which produced the four Moderne, vol. i. sect. 9: and the preface to the useful republication of the Salic law. It was probably composed in the beginning of the fifth [Footnote 66: Latin appears to have been the original language of




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