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    [Footnote 132: Ferreras (tom. ii. p. 168-175, A.D. 550) has illustrated [Footnote 133: This addition to the Nicene, or rather the the northern side of the Boetis, (Plin. Hist. Natur. iii. 3:) and the lucrative exchange, the hairs of St. John the Baptist; a cross, which [Footnote 130: Osset, or Julia Constantia, was opposite to Seville, on the Vatican his rich presents of gold and gems; they accepted, as a Constantinopolitan creed, was first made in the eighth council of the difficulties which regard the time and circumstances of the produced, long afterwards, the schism of the Greek and Latin churches. authentic reference of Gregory of Tours (Hist. Francor. l. vi. c. 43, p. the Nicene creed, by declaring the procession of the Holy Ghost from [134] ambassadors of Recared respectfully offered on the threshold of [133] The royal proselyte immediately saluted and consulted Pope [Footnote 131: This miracle was skilfully performed. An Arian king 288) deserves more credit than the name of Lusitania, (de Gloria Martyr. able to intercept the Easter supply of baptismal water.] was distinguished by the conversion of heretics and infidels. The Gregory, surnamed the Great, a learned and holy prelate, whose reign enclosed a small piece of the true wood; and a key, that contained some particles of iron which had been scraped from the chains of St. Peter. the Gothic monarchy of Spain.] conversion of the Suevi. They had been recently united by Leovigild to the Son, as well as from the Father; a weighty point of doctrine, which sealed the doors, and dug a deep trench round the church, without being Portuguese, (Ferreras, Hist. d'Espagne, tom. ii. p. 166.)] c. 24,) which has been eagerly embraced by the vain and superstitious




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    Ingundis, who was no more than thirteen years of age, was received, authority. [127] Incensed by her resistance, Goisvintha seized the martyr, whom our calmer reason may style an ungrateful rebel. Leovigild, accomplished his conversion and the heir of the Gothic monarchy was and the weighty arguments of Le ander, archbishop of Seville, ground, kicked her till she was covered with blood, and at last the Gothic monarch of Spain, deserved the respect of his enemies, and injurious treatment of his bride; and he was gradually persuaded that conversion of the Visigoths. Goisvintha, the Gothic queen, who abused the double claim of maternal Ingundis suffered for the cause of divine truth. Her tender complaints, scruples by abolishing the unpopular rite of a second baptism. His This salutary revolution [126] was hastened by the example of a royal fish-pond. [128] Love and honor might excite Hermenegild to resent this Franks; and Spain was restored to the Catholic church by the voluntary The rash youth, inflamed by zeal, and perhaps by ambition, was tempted Catholic princess by her long hair, inhumanly dashed her against the Sigebert, king of Austrasia, and of the famous Brunechild. The beauteous and orthodox alliance with a Merovingian princess, the daughter of initiated in the Nicene faith by the solemn rites of confirmation. [129] diadem, and the fair principality of Boetica, contracted an honorable gave orders that she should be stripped, and thrown into a basin, or the love of his subjects; the Catholics enjoyed a free toleration, and beloved, and persecuted, in the Arian court of Toledo; and her religious constancy was alternately assaulted with blandishments and violence by his Arian synods attempted, without much success, to reconcile their eldest son Hermenegild, who was invested by his father with the royal




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    public notoriety, for the truth of a miracle, which was repeated in suppose to be mortal." [124] The testimony of Aeneas of Gaza might be perpetual edict; of Count Marcellinus, in his Chronicle of the times; to the clear and perfect language of Restitutus, the sub-deacon, one of Victor, an African bishop, who published a history of the persecution submitted, during a series of years, to the calm examination of the confirmed by the superfluous evidence of the emperor Justinian, in a senses. This supernatural gift of the African confessors, who spoke any organ of speech: I used my eyes to examine the report of my ears; African sufferers. "I saw them myself: I heard them speak: I diligently guilty of their right hands and their tongues. But the holy confessors without interest, and without passion. Aeneas of Gaza, a Platonic inquired by what means such an articulate voice could be formed without these glorious sufferers, who is now lodged in the palace of the emperor torn away by the roots; an operation which the physicians generally of a century; and they all appeal to their personal knowledge, or the are astonished to find a cool, a learned, and unexceptionable witness, "should doubt of the truth, let him repair to Constantinople, and listen several instances, displayed on the greatest theatre of the world, and I opened their mouth, and saw that the whole tongue had been completely within two years after the event. [123] "If any one," says Victor, continued to speak without tongues; and this miracle is attested by minister of the Roman pontiff. [125] They all lived within the compass and of Pope Gregory the First, who had resided at Constantinople, as the philosopher, has accurately described his own observations on these Zeno, and is respected by the devout empress." At Constantinople we Forum, and, in the presence of the whole province, deprived the




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    acquiescence of the learned to the conclusions of Porson in his Letters [Footnote 117: Or, more properly, by the four bishops who composed and in 1751, the Armenian Wetstein used the liberty of his times, and of his the oldest and the fairest; two qualities seldom united, except in [Footnote 118: In the eleventh and twelfth centuries, the Bibles were Crito Cantabrigiensis, Dr. Turton of Cambridge.--M.] may now be considered to have terminated in an almost general styled this text, luce clarius, (Victor Vitensis de Persecut. Vandal. are unworthy to form an exception. See Emlyn's Works, vol. ii. p some of which are more than 1200 years old, (Wetstein ad loc.) The cardinal and librarian of the Roman church, secundum orthodoxam fidem, l. iii. c. 11, p. 54.) It is quoted soon afterwards by the African to Travis. See the pamphlets of the late Bishop of Salisbury and of sect. * Note: This controversy has continued to be agitated, but with [Footnote 116: Of all the Mss. now extant, above fourscore in number, 227-255, 269-299; and M. de Missy's four ingenious letters, in tom. passage is still wanting in twenty-five Latin Mss., (Wetstein ad loc.,) polemics, Vigilius and Fulgentius.] declining interest even in the more religious part of the community; and Stephens, are become invisible; and the two Mss. of Dublin and Berlin [Footnote 119: The art which the Germans had invented was applied in orthodox copies of the Vatican, of the Complutensian editors, of Robert manuscripts.] (Wetstein, Prolegom. p. 84, 85.) Notwithstanding these corrections, the published the profession of faith in the name of their brethren. They corrected by Lanfranc, archbishop of Canterbury, and by Nicholas, viii. and ix. of the Journal Britannique.]




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    multiplied in every country and every language of modern Europe. [Footnote 114: The P. Quesnel started this opinion, which has been Athanasius is not the author of the creed which is so frequently read in they may seem, are now universally acknowledged, (Gerard Vossius, tom. Constantinople, was so much amazed by this extraordinary composition, Latin.] Thapsus, (p. 118, 119, edit. Chiflet.) He might amuse his learned Dogmat. Theologica, tom. ii. l. vii. c. 8, p. 687.] vi. p. 516-522. Tillemont, Mem. Eccles. tom. viii. p. 667-671.) 1. St. understand Greek, and many Greek theologians were translated into [Footnote 112: Fulgentius, bishop of Ruspae, in the Byzacene province, [Footnote 113: Compare the two prefaces to the Dialogue of Vigilius of [Footnote 115: 1 John, v. 7. See Simon, Hist. Critique du Nouveau after his death. 3. It was originally composed in the Latin tongue, and, could repeat all Homer and Menander before he was allowed to study Latin favorably received. But the three following truths, however surprising to their editions of the Greek Testament. In 1689, the papist Simon Africans were too ignorant.] was of a senatorial family, and had received a liberal education. He that he frankly pronounced it to be the work of a drunken man. Petav. reader with an innocent fiction; but the subject was too grave, and the strove to be free; in 1707, the Protestant Mill wished to be a slave; our churches. 2. It does not appear to have existed within a century consequently in the Western provinces. Gennadius patriarch of Testament, part i. c. xviii. p. 203-218; and part ii. c. ix. p. 99-121; and the elaborate Prolegomena and Annotations of Dr. Mill and Wetstein his native tongue, (Vit. Fulgent. c. l.) Many African bishops might




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